A lot of people in the market want to find an email marketing software that is user-friendly and reasonably priced. Epsilon Email Institute gives interesting details and stats about email marketing automation. According to their survey, automated email messages generate a 70.5% higher open rate and a 152% higher click-through rate than standard marketing messages.

According to Lenskold and Pedowitz Groups, companies that send automated emails are 133% more likely to send relevant messages according to a customer’s purchase cycle than those who send general correspondence.

What is Email Marketing Automation?

Email marketing automation is creating a series of automated emails that are triggered by the actions of the subscribers and sent automatically. The best thing about automated email campaigns is that you can increase ROI without even trying. You just need to set up the email marketing automation and it does the hard work on your behalf 'automatically.'
With automated mailing systems, you can easily automate emails.

We provide support for popular automation tool software such as Kalviyo, Mailchimp, Hubspot, Sendinblue, and mailwizz.

Of course, we are unable to recommend a single email marketing tool that will work best for you. Really, it depends on your,

Some of the MAJOR advantages of email automation include the following: